Am I Due a Tax Refund?
There are many circumstances where you could be due a Tax rebate. Some examples would be:
- You wash your own uniform for work
- If you have started a new business
- You use your own car to travel to temporary workplaces
- Your employer has taken too much Tax from your salary
- You are employed under CIS
- You have started up in business
- Many other situations
The Tax rebate you could get back could depends on your own personal circumstances but our average claim is in the region of £2,500. It doesn’t matter if you still work for your employer, have been made redundant, or you have changed jobs since. HMRC allow claims to be backdated for up to four Tax years.
What Can I Claim Tax Back On?
What can you claim back on Tax? Actually, quite a lot! But if HMRC don’t know what expenses you have paid or your particular circumstances, they will not know whether you have overpaid Tax.
Here is a list of some of the items that you can claim a Tax rebate for:
- Mileage costs
- Travelling expenses
- Rail season tickets
- Other subsistence expenses
- Food (in certain circumstances)
- Professional subscription payments
- Cleaning costs for uniforms
This is not an exhaustive list, there are circumstances in which you could claim for other forms of expenditure.
What are the Deadlines?
Current legislation in the UK says you can go back up to four Tax years when claiming a Tax rebate. This means at the current moment in time you can make a claim for the following periods:
- Year ended 5th April 2017
- Year ended 5th April 2018
- Year ended 5th April 2019
- Year ended 5th April 2020
Effectively this means you can claim Tax relief from 6th April 2016. We understand that payslips and P60s can be misplaced during such a long length of time. This is not a problem and in most cases we can seek copies on your behalf from HMRC.
Hassle Free Tax Rebates
Dealing with HMRC can be a headache, especially when it comes to complicated rules and complex calculations. QuickRebates makes the whole process as pain free and as easy as possible for you. We collect all of the information and prepare the claims and computations on your behalf. You can have peace of mind that your Tax rebate is being dealt with professional Tax experts and consultants.
When making your Tax repayment claim, you want to ensure that you really are claiming all of your entitlements and allowances. QuickRebates will make sure that all relevant costs and expenses have been claimed. The list of allowable costs and deductions against PAYE income is quite lengthy, but can also be quite complicated. Leave your Tax relief claim with QuickRebates today for a hassle free Tax rebate.
For individuals that haven’t made a claim in the last four years, the average claim value is around £2,500. Deadlines apply so don’t delay, and start your claim today.
How to Claim a Tax Refund?
First of all, you need to make sure that you have overpaid Tax in the first place. This could happen for a number of reasons, including:
- An incorrect PAYE code was issued and your employer deducted too much Tax
- You have paid employee expenses, not reimbursed by your employer
- You have unclaimed allowances
- You have only worked for part of the Tax year and only claimed some of your personal allowance
- You are a higher rate Tax payer and have paid into a private pension, or made charitable payments under Gift Aid
Whatever the reason, if HMRC do not know about your overpayment, they cannot repay your Tax rebate. The first step is then to make the claim in the appropriate manner. Once they have recalculated your income Tax based on the new position, you account will be credited. At this time you will be able to apply for the overpayment to be credited to your account.
What is Tax Relief?
Tax relief is used by HMRC and Tax advisors to explain the allowances you’re entitled to for certain situations and expenditure. For example, HMRC offer Tax relief for individuals that drive their own vehicle for work related duties. Another form of Tax relief is an increase in your Tax free personal allowance to cover the costs of cleaning your work uniform.
Tax relief comes in many shapes and forms and is generally used to describe some allowance that doesn’t usually come automatically. Unless HMRC are specifically informed that you are due allowances and the amount, they will not take this into consideration when calculating your Tax. For this reason hundreds of millions of pounds worth of Tax rebates go unclaimed from HMRC each year.
Make sure you are claiming everything you are entitled to and get in touch today.
Am I Due Any Tax Back?
Lots of people are due a Tax rebate for items of expenditure that they would never have thought possible. For most of these areas of cost, HMRC do not know your situation and therefore cannot apply a repayment automatically. It is up to the Tax payer to let HMRC know of any Tax reliefs they may entitled to.
The problem is that claims are reviewed on a case by case basis. As an example, for some individuals travelling expenses may be allowed, for others, these costs may not be allowed.
The only sure way to know is to get in touch. With a no-obligation enquiry taking 5 minutes of your time, you have nothing to lose but potentially thousands to gain.
Contact QuickRebates today and find out how much you could be entitled to. Current estimates is that nearly £200 million each goes unclaimed. Are you included in this figure?

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